
Showing posts from September, 2019
grup 2 here is it, recalling from grup two abou opinion and thought opening lagu wajib : tanah airku Tanah Airku Kotak Tanah air ku tidak kulupakan Kan terkenang selama hidupku Biarpun saya pergi jauh Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu Tanah ku yang kucintai Engkau kuhargai Walaupun banyak negeri kujalani Yang masyhur permai dikata orang Tetapi kampung dan rumahku Di sanalah ku rasa senang Tanah ku tak kulupakan Engkau kubanggakan Tanah ku yang kucintai Engkau kuhargai Kuhargai grup two presentation about opinion and thought opinion means a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarilly based on fact or knowledge function : to express an opinion on a matter or an issue structure : Subject + verb + object example :" i think this is bad car " giving an opinion based on point of someone view and prespective. short film : papers, please synopsis : beeing aborder guard officer is atough thing. everything w
grup 1 here all recalling from grup 1 about offering and suggestion! opening lagu wajib : pada pahlawan Lirik Lagu Pada Pahlawan Dengar-lah dengar nyanyian gembira.. Bagimu pahlawan kusuma bangsa.. Dengarlah dengar seruan mulia.. Seluruh Negara memuji dikau.. Dengar derap langkah pahlawan.. Menuju medan perang.. Memanggil setiap putera.. Ikut bela bangsa.. Dengarlah dengar nyanyian gembira.. Bagimu pahlawan kusuma bangsa.. grup 1 presentation about offers and suggestion suggest to introduce or purpose an idea or an plan for someone consideration. suggest can be accepted or refused. example : ‘lets go to the mall! ‘ ‘lets do our homework’ and offers to give something physical or abstract to someone offers can be given in term ; of food, money and itc example : ‘shall i take you home?’  social function beetwen offers or suggest to facilitate interpersonal communication beetween different people short film : the translator synopsis : Wh
Hello! My name is Safina Rizkiani Widodo, you can call me nana. I live in krida 1 street, jakarta pusat. it’s nice to live in. i am senior high school students in eleven grade. I was born in Jakarta, 16th october 2003 and in this year finally i reached 16 years old. I love singing a lot of song, i think music can describe what i feel, i like playing badminton too with my father. my family only have one child and this is me, i have a good family because i feel happy in my little family.  i love mcdonalds and all things about pasta the taste so good. and thats all, thankyouuuu have a nice day!
group 1 safina rizkiani faiz surendra bimo reyzando deniawan anugrah dani resatama lagu opening : pada pahlawan materi : offers and suggestion link video : link latihan : short movie : closing : sirih kuning Group 2   🔸بِسْÙ…ِ اللهِ الرَّØ­ْمنِ الرَّØ­ِيمِ🔸 Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh our member First is Ananda Syifa N Second is Muhammad Aziz Third is Callista Khaerunnisa Fourth is Rafif Fakih And the last is Syahgita  Rahayu We will try to show the best Opening : Tanah airku Topic : Opinion & Thoughts Video : Exercises : on book lesson grade 11, page 25 number 1,3,5 Quiz : guessing game Short Movie: title : papers please Closing : manuk dadali : Wassalamu&