

hello there! so today we’re gonna discuss about new chapter! Father of Indonesian Education!☁ Group 14 -Rafif Fakih -Deshila Ishanda --- enjoy the chapter !  MELATI DI TAPAL BATAS ovzsXiRVc Engau gadis muda remaja Bagai sekuntum melati Engkau sumbangkan Jiwa raga Ditapal batas Bekasi Engkau dinamakan Srikandi Pendekar putrl sejati Engkau turut jejak pemuda Turut mengawal negara Oh pendekar putri nan cantik Dengarlah panggilan ibu Sawah ladang rindu menanti Akan sumbangan baktlmu Duhai putri muda remaja Suntingan kampung halaman Kembali kepangkuan Bunda Berbakti -- LETS JUMP TO OUR NEW CHAPTER so today we're gonna discuss about biography text tap link below to see the presentation, -- lets see this video, for more explained about biography text yap! i h


hello there!👋🏻 so today we’re gonna discussing about news chapter! check this out🤩 GRADE XI IPS 2 27 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Yosua Suranta  Chroistopher Halomoan OPENING MUSIC Wajib Belajar Wajib Belajar Lyrics  Mari kita laksanakan wajib belajar   Putra putri tunas bangsa Harapan negara   Wajib belajar cerdaskan   Kehidupan bangsa Membangun ntuk menuju masyarakat Adil sejahtera Gunakan waktumu isilah hidupmu   Tekunlah belajar giatlah bekerja   Berantas kebodohan perangi kemiskinan Habis gelap terbit terang   Hari depan cerlang Ayo kita giatkan wajib belajar   Jangan putus tengah jalan marilah tamatkan Tanam ilmu sekarang   Petik hari depan   Cerdas trampil berwibawa penuh daya cipta Gunakan waktumu isilah hidupmu   Tekunlah belajar giatlah belajar   Jadikan tunas bangsa inti pembangunan   Adil makmur sejahtera   Merata bahagia Mari kita laksanakan wajib belajar  


hello there! so today we’re gonna discuss about new chapter! its about Narrative text !   Can you explain they'd called narrative text? lets practice! ROUP 12; The Last Leaf! ☁ Group 12 -Dzaki Ezra -Khazimah Nur --- RAYUAN PULAU KELAPA Tanah airku Indonesia Negeri elok amat kucinta Tanah tumpah darahku yang mulia Yang kupuja sepanjang masa Tanah airku aman dan makmur Pulau kelapa yang amat subur Pulau melati pujaan bangsa Sejak dulu kala Reff: Melambai lambai Nyiur di pantai Berbisik bisik Raja Kelana Memuja pulau Nan indah permai Tanah Airku Indonesia -- Hi hello, there!  so tday we're gonna study about The Last Leaf! tap link below to see the presentation, T o make sure that y'all understand, click below to watch the video bout the material!~ i hope y'all understand about The La

R.A. Kartini

Kartini Biography’s Raden Adjeng Kartini was an Indonesian national hero who was born in Jepara, the Dutch East Indies, on April 21, 1879 and died in Rembang, Dutch East Indies, on September 17, 1904 at a young age of 25 years. Another name commonly called Raden Ayu Kartini. dalah a Javanese figure and Indonesian National Hero who came from the land of Java is known as a pioneer of the rise of indigenous women or called feminism. Raden Ajeng Kartini is a woman from the Javanese aristocracy class. Aya Kartini's name is Ario Sosroningrat. at that time, Ario Sosroningrat was a governor who was appointed as regent of Jepara immediately when Kartini was born. Kartini's mother was the daughter of the aristocrat's first wife, but not the main wife. His mother's name is M.A. Ngasirah, son of Kyai Haji Madirono and Nyai Haji Siti Aminah. Both are religious leaders in Telukawur, Jepara. The Kartini lineage can be traced to Hamengkubuwono VI. Moreover, the line of no