R.A. Kartini

Kartini Biography’s

Mengenang Perjuangan R.A. Kartini, Pahlawan Emansipasi Perempuan ...

Raden Adjeng Kartini was an Indonesian national hero who was born in Jepara, the Dutch East Indies, on April 21, 1879 and died in Rembang, Dutch East Indies, on September 17, 1904 at a young age of 25 years. Another name commonly called Raden Ayu Kartini. dalah a Javanese figure and Indonesian National Hero who came from the land of Java is known as a pioneer of the rise of indigenous women or called feminism.

Raden Ajeng Kartini is a woman from the Javanese aristocracy class. Aya Kartini's name is Ario Sosroningrat. at that time, Ario Sosroningrat was a governor who was appointed as regent of Jepara immediately when Kartini was born. Kartini's mother was the daughter of the aristocrat's first wife, but not the main wife. His mother's name is M.A. Ngasirah, son of Kyai Haji Madirono and Nyai Haji Siti Aminah. Both are religious leaders in Telukawur, Jepara. The Kartini lineage can be traced to Hamengkubuwono VI. Moreover, the line of nobility of the Regent of Sosroningrat can be traced back to the nobles of the Royal Palace of Majapahit. Since Prince Dangirin served as regent in Surabaya in the 18th century, Sosroningrat's ancestors held many influential positions in Pangreh Praja ..

In addition to writing, Kartini read a lot of newspapers published in Semarang called De Locomotief and raised by Pieter Brooshooft. He also received leestrommel (a collection of magazines circulated by bookstores to direct customers). In addition there is also a cultural magazine, science which is quite heavy and there is also a Dutch women's magazine called De Hollandsche Lelie.

Kartini wrote many of her thoughts on letters about the social conditions in the Dutch East Indies era, specifically discussing the conditions of indigenous women. The majority of his thoughts written in the letters contained lawsuits and complaints, especially those related to Javanese culture, which he said were factors that inhibited the progress of women. He wants indigenous women to have freedom of life, study and study like men. Kartini poured her ideas, thoughts and ideals into Dutch as written: and Zelf-onderricht and Zelf-ontwikkeling, Zelf-werkzaamheid and Zelf-vertrouwen and Solidariteit. All his thoughts were based on Religieusiteit, Wijsheid en Schoonheid (which in Indonesian means God, Wisdom and Beauty). Then coupled with the philosophy of Humanitarianism or humanity and Nationalism or love for the nation, homeland and country.


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