
Showing posts from April, 2020


         Started when my grandfather died, my grandmother became a stronger female figure. Even our savings still enough to make her happy, but basically she cannot stay at home, and always wants to do her activities. so from thence her children allowed her to take care of all the relics from my grandfather, to get rid of bored.          One day, precisely on Sunday she complained her legs were difficult to walk long. our whole family just thought that indeed she didn't get enough rest. until finally the situation getting worse and the time came when she could only lay on the bed, she couldn't do anything, everything  helped by others because her feet couldn't be moved at all. It turns out, she has a tumor.         We continue to taking care of her, especially me. I tried to didnt stop taking care of her, because i realized that i wont to lose somone again, after i lost my lovely grandfather. All her children work hard to do the surgery for my grandmother. I always came


hello there! so today we’re gonna discuss about new chapter! its about THE LAST LEAF! Group 11 Group 11 -Katyana Adira -Lutfi Rifdah --- BANGUN PEMUDI PEMUDA Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmu lah Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Sudi tetap berusaha jujur dan ikhlas Tak usah banyak bicara trus kerja keras Hati teguh dan lurus pikir tetap jernih Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri -- LETS JUMP TO OUR NEW CHAPTER so today we're gonna discuss about our narrative test THE LAST LEAF tap link below to see the presentation, i hope you guys enjoy! before we close this chapter let's watch the short


hello there! so today we’re gonna discuss about new chapter! its about write letter let’s jump to the topic below! Group 10 -Anugrah Marsel -Muasofah -- HYMNE GURU Terpujilah Wahai engkau ibu bapak guru Namamu akan selalu hidup Dalam sanubariku Semua baktimu akan kuukir Didalam hatiku Sebagai prasasti terimakasihku Tuk pengabdianmu Terpujilah wahai ibu bapak guru Namamu akan selalu hidup dalam sanubariku Semua baktimu akan kuukir didalam hatiku Sebagai prasasti terimakasihku Tuk pengabdianmu Engkau bagai pelita dalam kegelapan Engkau laksana embun penyejuk dalam kehausan Engkau patriot pahlawan bangsa tanpa tanda jasa -- lets jump to the new chapter! tap link below to see the presentation, if you still didnt understand what they're talking about tap this video! i hope you guys enjoy! before we close this chapter let'

personal latter

Krida 1 street Jakarta Indonesia 6 th  april 2020 Hello!          How are you, world? everything still ok? I hope ya, very sad and mad to see the conditions of the past few weeks. if I can turn back the time I want to return the world to 2019. I know, maybe this is a test that must be faced but it is very sad when I see the condition of Indonesian society, medical workers, and all sectors affected.           Many  people lost their jobs because of social distancing. the situation is indeed difficult, on the one hand we really have to find money to meet our needs. but on the other hand we also have to do social distancing so that the corona virus does not spread more widely. I hope things get better soon, we can all go back to our respective activities. Respectively, we can all gather together again.          We  must be sincere and patient in facing this test, we must be sure that a lot of wisdom behind this all happening. let's unite the steps to restore